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10# 10#
 楼主| 发表于 2016-9-22 15:07 | 只看该作者
16. The distance that you should look ahead of your vehicle while driving is about ___ mile at highway speeds
( ) 1/8
(x) 1/4
( ) 1/2


17. The distance that you should look ahead of your vehicle while driving is ____ at low speeds
( ) 1/2block
(x) 1 block
( ) 2 blocks


18. The Commercial Driver Handbook suggests several things to do when you pass a vehicle .Which of these is NOT one of them?
( ) Lightly tap your horn, if needed
(x)At night, turn on your high beams while you pass the vehicle
( ) Assume the other driver does not see you

18. 当你超车时,下列哪个不是,商业驾驶手册上建议的方式

19. Use your vehicle’s horn when
( ) A car is in your way
(x) It may help avoid a crash
( ) You want to change lanes


20. Which of these statements is true about speed management?
( ) Shady parts of the road allow better traction than open areas
( ) Road surfaces will freeze before bridges
(x) On slippery roads, it takes longer to stop and is harder to turn without skidding


21. You are driving a heavy vehicle. You must exit a highway using an off ramp that curves downhill. You should
(x)Slow down to a safe speed before the curve
( ) Slow to the posted speed limit for the off ramp
( ) Wait unit you are in the curve before downshifting

21. 当你驾驶一辆重型车辆想要从下匝道离开高速时应该

22. You are driving a 40-foot vehicle at 35 m.p.h. The road is dry and visibility is good. What is the least amount of seconds in space that you should keep in front of your vehicle to be safe?
( ) 3 seconds
(x) 4 seconds
( ) 5 seconds


23. If someone is following you too closely (tailgating), you should
( ) Flash your brake lights
(x)Increase your following distance
( ) Signal the tailgater when it is safe to pass you


24. Which of these is a good thing to do when driving at night
(x)Drive slowly enough to stop within the range of your headlights
( ) Look directly at oncoming headlights only briefly
( ) Keep your instrument lights bright

24. 下列哪个是在夜间开车是正确做法

25. Which of these is NOT something you should do if your headlights are not working properly?
(x)Leave your high beams on
( ) Clean the headlights
( ) Adjust the headlights

25. 如果你的车灯不能正常工作,你应该
26. When the roads are slippery , you should
(x)Make turns as carefully as possible
( ) Stop and test the traction while going up hills
( ) Decrease the distance that


27. You should avoid driving through deep puddles or flowing water. But, if you cannot, which of these steps can help keep your brakes working?
( ) Pressing both the brake pedal and accelerator firmly after coming out of the water
(x)Gently putting on the brakes while driving through the water
( ) Turning on your brake heaters


28. Which of these is true about the radiator shutters and the winter front?
( ) The winter front should be closed tightly
(x)You should remove ice from the radiator shutters
( ) The engine may overheat if the winter front is left open


29. Which of these statements is NOT true about engine belts in hot weather?
(x)Cracking is likely to occur but is not a safety threat
( ) You can cheek the tightness of the belts by pressing on them
( ) Loose belts will not turn the water pump and/or fan on properly


30. You can see this sign on a vehicle ahead of you. What does this sign mean?
(x)Slow-moving vehicle
( ) Hazardous materials on board
( ) Student driver


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11# 11#
 楼主| 发表于 2016-9-22 15:09 | 只看该作者
31. What should you do when you see a hazard in the roadway?
( ) Swerve around it and get back in your lane
( ) Stop quickly and pull to the side of the road
(x)Use your 4-way flashers or brake lights to warn others


32. A car suddenly “cut” in front of you creating a hazard, which of these actions should you NOT take?
(x) Honk and stay close behind the car
( ) Slow down to prevent a crash
( ) signal and change lanes to avoid the car, if possible


33. Truck escape ramps:
(x) Help avoid damage to vehicles
( ) Cannot be used by certain types of heavy vehicles
( ) Are not for buses


34. Which of these statements is a good rule to remember when your vehicle is in a traffic emergency and may collide with another vehicle
(x)You can almost always turn to miss an obstacle more quickly than you can stop
( ) Stopping is always the safest action in a traffic emergency
( ) Leaving the road is always more risky in a traffic emergency


35. Your vehicle has hydraulic brakes. While traveling on a level road, you press the brake pedal and find that it goes to the floor. Which of these statements is true?
( ) The parking brake will not work because it is part of the same hydraulic system
(x)Pumping the brake will generate enough pressure to stop the vehicle
( ) Shifting into neutral will help slow the vehicle


36. Hydroplaning
(x)Occurs when these is a lot of water
( ) Cannot occur when driving through a puddle
( ) Is more likely if tire pressure is low


37. Most serious skids result from:
( ) Turning too sharply
( ) Having an uneven load
(x)Driving too fast for conditions


38. Which of these statements is true about cargo loading?
( ) The legal maximum weight allowed by a state considered safe for all driving conditions
(x)State laws dictate legal weight limits
( ) If cargo is loading by the shipper, the driver is not responsible for overloading


39. Bridge formulas permit
(x)Less maximum axle weight for axles that are close together
( ) Less maximum axle weight for axles that are far apart
( ) The same maximum axle weight for any axle spacing


40. Which of these statements is true about tires?
(x)You should inspect your tires every two hours or every 100 miles when driving in very hot weather
( ) The air pressure of a tire decreases as the temperature of the tire increases
( ) If the tires are too hot to touch, release 5-10 pounds of air pressure to cool them down


41. You are checking your steering and exhaust systems in a pre-trip inspection. Which of these problems should be fixed before the vehicle is driven?
( ) Oil on the tie rod
( ) Grey smoke from the exhaust pipe
(x)Steering wheel play-more than 10%(2 inches on a 20-inch wheel)


42. Which of these items is NOT checked in pre-trip inspections?
( ) Whether all vehicle lights are working and clean
( ) Cargo securement
(x)Amount of fuel in the vehicle


43. Which of these statements is true about shipping hazardous materials?
( ) A four-inch, circular, red hazardous material label must be on the container
( ) Gas cylinders that will not hold a label must be shipped under container
(x)A four-inch, diamond-shaped, hazardous materials label must be on the container


44. One can recognize hazardous materials by looking at the container’s
( ) Shape
( ) Color


45. You must stop on a hill or curve on a two-lane, two-way road. How far back should you place your reflective triangles?
( ) Within 250 feet behind the vehicle
(x)Within 500 feet behind the vehicle
( ) As far back as necessary, so others can see your vehicle


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12# 12#
 楼主| 发表于 2016-9-22 15:09 | 只看该作者
46. You are driving a new truck with a manual transmission. What gear will you probably have to use to take a long, steep downhill grade?
( ) The same gear than you would use to climb the hill
(x)A lower gear than you would use to climb the hill
( ) A higher gear than you would use to climb the hill


47. To help you stay alert while driving, you should:
(x)Take short breaks before you are drowsy
( ) Schedule trips for hours that you are normally asleep
( ) Keep the cab warm and quiet


48. Which of these is true about hours of service?
( ) You must take a break after every 2hours of driving
( ) After 1,000 hours you will be exempt from certain regulations
(x)You should balance your hours of service with enough sleep to keep you alert


49. Which of the following is true about preventing fatigue on a long trip?
(x)Stop periodically for rest and exercise
( ) Keep the vehicle closed and heated
( ) Take an over-the counter stimulant


50. The best time to take a short break is:
(x)Before you feel drowsy or tired
( ) Immediately after yawning several times
( ) Immediately after you have drifted off the road


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13# 13#
 楼主| 发表于 2016-9-22 15:17 | 只看该作者
General knowledge study guide(2)

1. As the blood alcohol concentration (BAC) goes up, what happens?
( ) The drinker can clearly see how alcohol is affecting him/her
( ) The effects of alcohol decrease
(x) Judgment and self-control are affected

1. 当血液中的酒精浓度(BAC)上涨,会发生什么?

2. Which of these statements is true regarding the use drugs while driving?
(x) Prescription drugs are allowed if doctor says the drugs will not affect safe driving ability
( ) No prescription or non- prescription drugs are allowed at any time, for any reason
( ) Use of amphetamines like “speed” is allowed, if you are using the drug to stay awake


3. You will be place out-of service for 24 hours if you Blood Alcohol concentration (BAC) is :
( ) At least 0.2%
( ) At least 0.4%
(x) Any detectable amount below 0.4%

3. 在开车前24小时内,必须保持你的血液酒精含量低于多少(BAC)以下:

4. Which of these statements is NOT true?
( ) Alcohol goes directly from the stomach to the stream
(x) A drinker can control how fast his or her body absorbs and gets rid of alcohol
( ) BAC is determined by how fast you drink, how much you drink, and how much you weight


5. On which fires can you use water?
(x) Tire
( ) Gasoline
( ) Electrical

5. 哪里着火可以用水?

6. Which of these statements is true about warning other drivers of a stopped vehicle?
(x) Move the rear reflective triangle back if the driver’s vision is obscured within 500 feet
( ) Keep the vehicle’s taillight on to warm other drivers
( ) Put out your emergency warning devices within 5 minutes


7. Which of these statements is true about engine over heating?
( ) Never shut off an overheated engine unit it cools
(x) Never remove the radiator cap on a pressurized system until the system has cooled
( ) Antifreeze is not needed when the weather is warm


8. For your safety, when you place your reflective triangles you should:
( ) Carry the triangles at your side
(x) Hold the triangles with reflective side toward the oncoming traffic
( ) Keep them out of sight while you to the locations where you will place them

8. 为了您的安全,你应该怎样防止三角形反光镜

9. Retarders:
( ) Allow you to disconnect the steering axle brakes
(x) Can cause the drive wheels to skid when they have poor traction
( ) Can not be used on interstate highways

9. 阻滞剂

10. Which of the following is not a type of retarder?
( ) Electric
( ) Hydraulic
(x) Robotic

10. 下列哪个不是一个减速类型:

11. What is the proper way to hold a steering wheel?
( ) Both hands close tighter, near the top of the wheel
( ) Both hands close tighter, near the bottom of the wheel
(x) Both hands, on opposite sides of the wheel

11. 手握方向盘的正确方式?

12. You are driving a long vehicle that makes wide turns. You want to make a left turn from Elm Street onto Oak Street. There are two left turn lanes ( marked ”A” and “B” ) on Elm Street, and Oak Street is four lane streets with two lanes in each direction. You should:
( ) Use left turn lane “A”
(x) Use left turn lane “B”
( ) Start in left turn lane “A” and swing into left turn lane “B” just before entering the intersection

12. 你正在集装箱卡车。你想从Elm Street左转到Oak Street。有两个左转车道(标有“A”和“B”)Elm Street和 Oak Street是在每个方向两个车道四车道街道。你应该:

13. Which of these statements is true about double-clutching and shifting?
( ) Double-clutching should only be used with a heavy load
( ) Double-clutching should not be used when the road is slippery
(x) You can use the tachometer to tell you when to shift


14. If you have a heavy load that is slowing you down on an upgrade, you should:
(x) Shift into a lower gear
( ) Exit the road until traffic is lighter
( ) Drive on the shoulder so others can pass easily

14. 如果你有一个沉重的负荷,正在放缓你的速度,你应该

15. Which of these statements is NOT true about backing a heavy vehicle?
( ) You should back and turn toward the driver’s side whenever possible
( ) You should use a helper and communicate with hand signals
(x) You should back slowly until you slightly bump into the dock


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14# 14#
 楼主| 发表于 2016-9-22 15:18 | 只看该作者
16. How far should a driver look ahead of the vehicle while driving?
( ) 1-2seconds
( ) 5-8seconds
(x) 12-15seconds

16. 驾驶的时候多久看一下前方正在行驶的车辆?

17. In your mirror, you see a car approaching from the rear. The next time you check your mirror, you don’t see the car. To change lanes, you should:
(x) Wait until you are sure the car isn’t in your blind spot
( ) Ease into the other lane slowly so the car can get out of the way
( ) Assume the car left the road and change lanes as normal

17. 看你的镜子,你会看到从后面驶来的一辆车。下一次你检查你的镜子的时候你看不到车。但又要变更车道,你应该:

18. According to the Commercial Driver Handbook, why should you limit the use of your born?
(x) If can startle other driver
( ) It reduces air pressure needed to stop vehicles with air brakes
( ) You should keep both hands on the steering wheel at all times

18. 根据商业司机手册,你为什么要限制使用你的喇叭:

19. Which of these statements is the proper way to signal for a lane change?
( ) Signal just as you begin to change lanes, and drift over slowly
(x) Signal early, and change lanes slowly and smoothly
( ) Signal before you change lanes, and then move over quickly


20. You are driving a heavy vehicle at 35 mph. The speed limit is 55 mph. The safest speed for you vehicle is:
( ) 25 mph
(x) 35 mph
( ) 45 mph

20. 你所驾驶的重型车辆在35英里。限速是55英里每小时。为您最安全的车辆速度为:
(2)35 mph
21. Whenever you double your speed, it will take about _____ times as distance to stop.
( ) Two
( ) Three
(x) Four

21. 每当你加倍你的速度,将采取停止距离约_____倍

22. You are driving a vehicle at 55 mph on dry pavement. About how much total stopping distance will you need to bring it to a stop?
( ) Twice the length of the vehicle
( ) Half the length of a football field
(x) The length of a football field

22. 你所驾驶的车辆在干燥路面上的55英里。你需要把它停止多少总煞车距离?

23. Which of these statements is true about overhead clearance?
( ) You should assume posted clearance signs are correct
(x) The weight of a vehicle change its height
( ) If the road surface causes you vehicle to tilt toward the edge of the road, you should drive close the shoulder


24. When driving at night, you should:
( ) Look to the left side of the road when a vehicle is coming towards you
(x) Adjust your speed to keep your stopping distance within your sight distance
( ) Dim your lights within 300 feet of an oncoming vehicle

24. 在夜间行车时,你应该

25. What should you do if a car coming toward you at night keeps its high beams on?
( ) Flash your high beams at the other driver
(x) Look to the right edge of your lane or right side of the road
( ) Slow down and look straight ahead in your lane

25. 晚上有辆车向你行驶过来并且开着远光灯,你应该怎么做

26. The road you are driving on becomes very slippery due to ice. Which of these is a good thing to do?
(x) Stop driving as soon as you can safely do so
( ) Downshift to stop
( ) Keep varying your speed by accelerating and braking

26. 你驾驶的道路由于冰变得非常湿滑,这时最好怎么做?

27. Which of these statements is true about cold-weather driving?
( ) An engine cannot overheat when the weather is very cold
(x) Windshield washer antifreeze should be used
( ) Exhaust system leaks are less dangerous in cold wather


28. Which of these especially true about your tires in hot weather?
(x) You should check tire mounting and air pressure before driving
( ) If tire is too hot to touch, you should hose it down with water
( ) A small amount of air should be let out so air pressure remains steady

28. 在炎热的天气你的轮胎那些是需要注意的?

29. Which of these statements is true about bad weather driving conditions?
(x) When the temperature drops, bridges will freeze before roads
( ) The road is more slippery as rain continues than when rain begins
( ) Driving conditions become more dangerous as the temperature rises

29. 下列哪个关于在天气恶劣的条件下驾驶是真实?

30. When driving through roadway work zones, you should:
( ) Reduce speed only if workers are close roadway
( ) Turn on your parking lights
(x) Watch for sharp pavement drop-offs

30. 当驾驶通过工作区域车道时,你应该?

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15# 15#
 楼主| 发表于 2016-9-22 15:23 | 只看该作者
31. Which of these statements is true about other drivers?
( ) Mail or delivery truck drivers do not pose hazard
( ) Drivers using turn signals can be trusted to turn in the direction they indicate
(x) Short-term or daily rental truck drivers are often not used to the limited vision and pose a hazard

31. 下列哪个关于其他司机的语句是真的?

32. When you must leave the road to avoid a hazard or emergency, you should keep in mind that:
( ) Most shoulders are not strong enough to support the weight of a large vehicle
( ) It is less dangerous to drive onto the shoulder than to risk a collision
(x) You may be unable to re-enter the rode

32. 当发生危险或紧急情况你必须离开道路,你应该牢记:

33. What should you do when your vehicle hydroplanes?
( ) Start stab braking
(x) Release the accelerator
( ) Accelerate slightly

33. 当您的车辆在潮湿的道路上行驶,你应该怎么做,:

34. Which of these is important to remember about emergency braking?
( ) Disconnecting the steering axle brakes will help keep your vehicle in a straight line
(x) If the wheels are skidding, you cannot control the vehicle
( ) Never do it without downshifting first

34. 下列什么时候需要紧急制动:

35. Which of these is good thing to do when you steer to avoid a crash?
( ) Apply the brakes while turning
(x) Don’t turn the steering wheel any more than needed
( ) Avoid counter steering

35. 当你操作避免碰撞的时候,需要如何操作?

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16# 16#
发表于 2016-9-22 16:00

17# 17#
发表于 2016-9-22 16:01

18# 18#
发表于 2016-9-22 16:02

19# 19#
 楼主| 发表于 2016-9-22 16:04 | 只看该作者
36. Which of these happens when a tire blows out at highway speeds?
(x) A vibrating feeling
( ) A hissing sound
( ) A rapid drop in speed to less than 20 mph

36. 下列哪些情况可能是在高速公路上行驶时爆胎?

37. To correct a drive- wheel braking skid, you should:
(x) Stop braking
( ) Stop braking, turn quickly, and counter steer
( ) In crease braking, turn quickly, and counter steer

37. 要改正驾驶车轮制动防滑,你应该

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