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楼主 楼主
 楼主| 发表于 2016-9-22 14:33 | 只看该作者




Air Brakes(1)


1. The parking or emergency brake on a heavy vehicle can only be held in position by something that cannot leak a way, like:
(x) Spring pressure
( ) Air pressure
( ) Hydraulic pressure

1. 重型车辆停车或紧急制动不能改变只能保持适当位置的,如:

2. Modern air brake systems are three different systems combined together. They are the service, parking, and the ________ brakes.
(x) Emergency
( ) Foot
( ) S-cam

2. 现代空气制动系统有三种不同的系统结合在一起。他们是驻车档,和____刹车

3. The air supply pressure gauges shows how much pressure:
(x) Is in the tanks
( ) You have used in this trip
( ) Is going to the brake chambers

3. 气压表是显示什么的供气压力:

4. The parking or emergency brake of trucks and buses can be legally held on by ____pressure
(x) Spring
( ) Fluid
( ) Air

4. 卡车和公共汽车的停车或紧急制动,可以由____和压力组成

5. All air brake equipped vehicles have:
(x) An air supply pressure gauge
( ) An air use gauge
( ) A back up hydraulic system

5. 所有空气制动的车辆都配备:

6. The stop light switch:
(x) Turn on the brake lights to warn drivers behind you
( ) Tells you when you need to use your emergency brakes
( ) Tells you when the air brakes system is low on air pressure

6. 刹车灯开关的作用:

7. When you apply the brakes, the brakes shoes/linings are pressed against the:
(x) Brake drum
( ) Slack adjuster
( ) S-cam

7. 当您刹车时,刹车踏板/衬板连接着:

8. If your vehicle has an alcohol evaporator, it is there to:
( ) Rid the wet tank of alcohol that condenses and sits at the bottom
( ) Eliminate the need for daily tank draining
(x) Reduce the risk of ice in air brake valves in cold weather

8. 如果您的车辆有酒精的蒸发器,它能:

9. Why should you drain water from compressed air tanks?
( ) The boiling point reduces braking power
(x) Water can freeze in cold weather an cause brake failure
( ) Water cools the compressor too much

9. 你为什么要排出压缩空气罐的水?

10. If air pressure does not build up fast enough within the correct amount of time:
( ) You should ready to use parking brake to help stop
( ) The alcohol container may be low
(x) Your air pressure may drop too low during driving

10. 如果没有足够的时间增加空气压力:

11. The driver must be able to see a warning before air pressure in the service air tanks falls below ___ psi
( ) 50
(x) 55
( ) 80

11. 当空气罐中的空气压力低于____ PSI时,司机能够看到一个警告

12. The spring brakes used on tractors and straight trucks will bring your truck to a stop when the air pressure drops below _______ psi
(x) 20
( ) 60
( ) 100

12. 当气压低于_____磅时, 弹簧拖拉机和卡车上使用的刹车会使你停车

13. How should you check that your service brakes are working properly?
( ) Park on slight incline drain off air pressure set the parking brakes and check for movement
( ) Park on level ground chock the wheels engage the parking brake shut the engine off
(x) Wait for normal air pressure release the parking brake move the truck forward slowly and apply the brake firmly using the brake pedal

13. 你应该如何检查您刹车是否正常工作?

14. To check the brake slack on S-cam brakes, you should park on:
( ) Level ground and apply the parking brakes
(x) Level ground chock the wheels release the parking brakes
( ) A slight grade releases the parking brakes and apply the service brake watching for vehicle movement

14. 发现S-CAM刹车制动松弛,你应该停在:

15. The air brakes system for a straight truck or bus should not leak at a rate of more than _____ psi per minute with engine off and the brakes released.
( ) 1
( ) 3

15. 一辆平直的卡车或巴士的空气刹车系统,关闭发动机和关闭手动制动器,不应该泄漏率每分钟超过___PSI

16. The air loss rate for a straight truck or bus with the engine off and the brakes on should not be more than:
( ) 1 psi in one minute
( ) 2 psi in 45 seconds
(x)3 psi in one minute

16. 关闭发动机和刹车的卡车或巴士的空气损失率应不超过:

17. The safety valve is set to automatically reduce pressure at _____ psi
( ) 50
( ) 100
(x) 150

17. 安全阀的设置为自动减少_____ PSI的压力:


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1# 1#
 楼主| 发表于 2016-9-22 14:36 | 只看该作者
18. Air braking takes more time than hydraulic braking because air:
( ) Brakes use different brake drums
(x) Takes more time to flow thought the lines the than hydraulic fluid
( ) Brakes require heavier return springs

18. 液压制动比空气制动需要更多的时间,因为空气:

19. Total stopping distance for vehicles with air brakes is longer than that for vehicles with hydraulic brakes due to _______ distance:
(x) Brake lag
( ) Reaction
( ) Effective braking

19. 液压制动的车辆比空气制动的车辆制动距离短是因为:

20. With air brake vehicles, the parking brakes should be used:
(x) Whenever you have the vehicle unattended
( ) As little as possible
( ) Only during pre-and post-trip inspections


21. A truck with air brakes going 55 mph would require a stopping distance of:
( ) Less than 100 feet
( ) 100-300 feet
(x) More than 300 feet


22. The air break lag distance at 55mph on dry pavement adds about ______feet to your stopping distance.
( ) 12
(x) 32
( ) 52

22. 空气和路面干燥的情况下,以55英里每小时前进时,为保证安全,应增加到____距离与前车:

23. The use of air brakes on downgrade is only a supplement to the:
( ) Use of the spring brakes
( ) Use of the front brake limiting valve
(x) Braking effect of the engine


24. Excessive heat in the brakes can cause the:
( ) Modulating control valve to wear out
( ) Brake lines to plug
(x) Brakes to fade or fail

24. 刹车过热可能会导致:

25. You are on a steep downgrade and have reached your “safe” speed of 40 mph; you would apply the service brakes until your speed drops to ______ mph.
( ) 25
( ) 30
(x) 35

25.你在斜坡降档并已达成“安全”的40英里的速度,你会使用刹车,直到你的速度下降到 35 英里:

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2# 2#
 楼主| 发表于 2016-9-22 14:40 | 只看该作者
Air Brakes(2)

1. The brakes pedal in an air brake system:
( ) Controls the speed of the air compressor
(x) Controls the air pressure applied to put on the brakes
( ) Connects the slack adjusters by a series of rods and linkages

1. 刹车踏板是空气制动系统:

2. Modern air brake systems are three different systems combined together. They are the service, parking, and the ________ brakes.
(x) Emergency
( ) Foot
( ) S-cam

2. 现代空气制动系统有三种不同的系统结合在一起。他们是阻动档,停车档,和____刹车

3. The application pressure gauges shows how much air pressure you:
( ) Have in the air tanks
(x) Are applying to the brakes
( ) Have in the modulating control valve


4. The brake system that applies and releases and the brakes when driver uses the brake pedal is the ____ brakes system.
( ) Emergency
(x) Service
( ) Parking

4. 使用刹车时,司机使用刹车踏板的制动系统,是____刹车系统:

5. If your truck or bus has dual parking control valves, you can use pressure from a separate tank to:
( ) Balance the service brake system when you are parked
( ) Stay parked twice as long without using up service air pressure
(x) Release the spring emergency/parking brakes to move a short distance

5. 如果您的卡车或巴士有双停车控制阀,您可以使用一个单独的水箱压力:

6. The S-cam:
( ) Controls the flow of air into each of the brake chambers
( ) Pulls the brake shoes away from the drum and allows the wheels to roll freely
(x) Forces the brake shoes against the inside of brake drum

6. The S-cam:

7. The modulating control valve allows you to control the:
(x) Spring brakes
( ) Front brakes
( ) Amount of air pressure in the brake system

7. 调节控制阀,允许你控制:

8. If you do not have automatic tank drains, how often should you drain the oil and water from the bottom of compressed air storage air tanks?
( ) After every four hours of service
(x) At the end of each day of driving
( ) Once a week

8. 如果没有自动水箱排水管,你应该多久排出压缩空气蓄冷空调水箱底部的油和水呢?:

9. Some air brake system have an alcohol evaporator. What may happen if you don’t keep the unit filled with alcohol?
( ) The S-cam may not rotate back when you release the broke pedal
(x) Ice may form in the air storage tanks and cause the brakes to fail
( ) Ice may on the brake drums and warp them

9. 一些空气制动系统有酒精的蒸发器。如果你不保持装满酒精计量,可能会发生什么?:

10. What is the first thing you should do when a low air pressure warning comes on?
(x) Stop and safely park an soon as possible
( ) Adjust the brake pedal for more travel
( ) Open the air supply control valve

10. 当一个低气压警告亮起时你应该先做?:

11. If your truck has a dual air brake system and one of the systems is low on pressure:
( ) The brake drums will not be fully pressurized
(x) Either the front or rear brakes will not be fully operational
( ) The manual slack adjusters on the S-cam brake are not set property

11. 如果你的车有双空气制动系统,并且有一个是显示是低压力:

12. Under normal conditions, to engage the parking brake the driver must first:
( ) Turn off the engine
(x) Let the air out of the spring brakes
( ) Be sure that the air brake system is fully pressurized

12. 在正常情况下,进行停车制动,司机必须首先:

13. Before driving a truck or bus with a dual brake system, the pressure in each system should be at lease  ____ psi:
( ) 80
(x) 100
( ) 120

13. 在驾驶双制动系统卡车或巴士之前,应检查每个系统的压力至少在____ PSI:

14. How should you check that the spring brakes come in when air pressures in the system drops below a certain level?
( ) Park on a slight incline, drain off air pressure set parking brakes and check for movement
( ) Park on level ground, chock the wheels, release the parking brake when you have enough air pressure shut the engine off and repeatedly press and release the brake pedal
(x) Park on level ground, wait for normal air pressure release the parking brake move the truck forward slowly and apply the brakes firmly using the brake pedal


15. You should know your brake are fading when:
(x) You have to push the brake pedal harder to control speed on a downgrade
( ) The brake pedal feels “spongy” when you apply pressure
( ) Your speed increase when you reduce pressure on your brake pedal

15. 你如何知道你的刹车片正在变薄:

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3# 3#
 楼主| 发表于 2016-9-22 14:43 | 只看该作者
16. To test air service brakes, you should:
( ) Stop the vehicle put it low gear, depress the service brake and then gently pull against the brakes
( ) Brake firmly when slowly moving back wards
(x) Brake firmly when slowly moving forwards

16. 为了测试空气刹车,你应该:
17. For air brake systems in good condition, the air compressor should start pumping at about____ psi:
(x) 100
( ) 125
( ) 150

17. 空气制动系统处于良好状态,空气压缩机应在约_____ PSI开始抽水:

18. In air brake vehicles, the parking brakes should be used:
( ) As little as possible
(x) Any time the vehicles is parked
( ) To hold your speed when going downhill


19. What is emergency stab braking?
( ) Press hard on the brake pedal and full hand valve until you stop
( ) Use light steady pressure on the brake pedal
(x) Brake hard release the brakes when the wheels lock and reapply the brakes when the start rolling

19. 什么是紧急刹车:

20. The braking power of the spring brakes:
(x) Depends on the service brakes being in adjustment
( ) Is not affected by the condition of the service brakes
( ) Can only be tested by highly-trained braked service people


21. Which of these is not a proper time to apply the parking brakes?
(x) When your brakes are very hot
( ) When you will only be stopped for less than one hour
( ) When you are going to test the parking brake

21. 以下哪项不是一个适当的时间应用停车制动器?

22. The air brake lag distance at 55 mph on dry pavement adds about _____ fee to your stopping distance
( ) 12
(x) 32
( ) 52

22. 在干燥路面上的55英里的空气制动滞后的距离增加了你的刹车距离约_____:
23. When is OK to leave your truck unattended without applying the parking brake or chocking the wheels?
(x) Never
( ) If you will only be away from the truck for a few minutes
( ) If you are conducting a pre-trip inspection

23. 什么时候可以把你的卡车在无人陪伴的情况下,停车制动或堵塞的轮子呢?

24. Excessive heat the brakes can cause the:
( ) Modulating control valve to wear out
( ) Brake lines to plug
(x) Brakes to fade or fail

24. 刹车过热可能会导致:

25. The proper method of braking when going down long and/or steep grades after selecting the proper gear is to brake until your speed is about ______ miles per hour below your “safe” speed then release your brakes
(x) 5
( ) 10
( ) 15

25. 紧急刹车时的正确方式沿着长和/或陡峭的斜坡在选择恰当的装备是刹车直到你的速度大约是______英里每小时低于你的“安全”的速度,然后释放你的刹车

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4# 4#
 楼主| 发表于 2016-9-22 14:47 | 只看该作者
Air Brakes(3)
1. If your truck or bus has dual parking control valves, you can use pressure from separate tank to:
(x) Release the spring emergency/parking brakes to move a short distance
( ) Apply more brake pressure if the main tank is getting how
( ) Balance the service brake system whenever you are parked

1. 如果您的卡车或公共汽车有双停车控制阀,您可以使用分开的油箱压力:

2. During nor mal driving spring brakes are usually held back by:
( ) Bolts
(x) Air pressure
( ) Spring pressure

2. 在正常行驶制动弹簧器通常会阻碍

3. The most common type of foundation brake found on heavy vehicles is the:
( ) Wedge drum
(x) S-cam drum
( ) Disc brake

3. 重型车辆基础制动上发现的最常见的类型是:

4. The parking or emergency brakes of trucks and buses can be legally held on by _____ pressure:
(x) Spring
( ) Fluid
( ) Air

4. 卡车和公共汽车的停车或紧急刹车,可以依法举行的由_____压力:

5. The air compressor governor controls:
(x) When air is pumped into the air storage tanks
( ) The speed of the air compressor
( ) Air pressure applied to the brakes

5. 什么时候调速器控制空气压缩机组:

6. A supply pressure gauge tells you how much pressure is in the:
(x) Air tanks
( ) Tractor brake lines
( ) Trailer brake lines


7. When you apply the brakes the brake shoes/linings are pressed against the:
(x) Brake tanks
( ) Slack adjuster
( ) S-cam

7. 当您踩下刹车踏板/衬板时连接:

8. Why drain water from compressed air tanks?
( ) The low boiling point of water reduces braking power
(x) Water can freeze in cold weather and cause brake failure
( ) To keep from fouling the air compressor oil

8. 为什么要排出压缩空气罐的水

9. Some air brake system have an alcohol evaporator. What may happen if you don’t keep the unit filled with alcohol?
( ) The S-cam may not rotate back when you release the broke pedal
(x) Ice may form in the air storage tanks and cause the brakes to fail
( ) Ice may on the brake drums and warp them

9. 一些空气制动系统有酒精的蒸发器。如果你不保持装满酒精的计量,可能会发生什么?:

10. The most important thing to do when a low air pressure warning comes on is:
( ) Up shift
( ) Down shift
(x) Stop and safely park as soon as possible

10. 当遇到低气压警告亮起时你应该先做?:

11. Repeatedly pressing and releasing(fanning) the brake pedal may result in:
(x) The loss of brake air pressure
( ) A build up of brake air pressure
( ) No change in brake air pressure

11. 反复按下和关闭(煽动)可能导致刹车踏板:

12. If the spring brakes are on, when should you push the brake pedal?
( ) Only when driving down a hill
( ) Only on a slippery road
(x) Never


13. If your vehicle has an alcohol evaporator, every day during cold weather you should:
(x) Check and fill the alcohol level
( ) Change the alcohol from a new bottle
( ) Check the oil for alcohol content

13. 如果您的车辆有酒精的蒸发器,在寒冷的天气你每天应该:

14. Your truck has a properly functioning dual air brake system and minimum size air tanks. The air pressure should build from 85 to 100 psi within _______ seconds
( ) 30
(x) 45
( ) 60

14. 你的卡车有正常运转的双空气制动系统和最小尺寸的空气罐。空气压力应建立__________秒内从85到100 psi:

15. You should know your brake are fading when:
(x) You have to push the brake pedal harder to control speed on a downgrade
( ) The brake pedal feels “spongy” when you apply pressure
( ) Your speed increase when you reduce pressure on your brake pedal

15. 你如何知道你的刹车片正在变薄:

16. Your truck or bus has a dual air brake system. If a low air pressure warning comes on for only one system, what should you do?
( ) Reduce your speed and drive to the nearest garage for repairs
( ) Reduce your speed and test the remaining system while driving
(x) Stop and safely park. Continue only after the system is fixed

16. 你的卡车或巴士具有双重的空气制动系统。如果一个低气压警告只显示一个系统,你该怎么办?

17. It is not safe to drive a vehicle that has brake drums(or discs) with cracks or that are thinner than the manufacture’s specifications, generally this will be ______ inch
( ) 1/3
(x) 1/4
( ) 1/2

17. 驾驶车辆刹车鼓有裂纹(或光盘),这比制造商的规格更薄这是不安全的,一般是_____英寸

18. Air braking takes more time than hydraulic braking because air:
( ) Brakes use different brake drums
(x) Takes more time to flow thought the lines the than hydraulic fluid
( ) Brakes require heavier return springs

18. 液压制动比空气制动需要更多的时间,因为空气:

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5# 5#
发表于 2016-9-22 14:50 | 只看该作者 | 来自 卡车之家Android客户端

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6# 6#
发表于 2016-9-22 14:59 | 只看该作者 | 来自 卡车之家Android客户端

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7# 7#
 楼主| 发表于 2016-9-22 15:03 | 只看该作者
原帖由 卡车司机 于2016-9-22 14:50 发表在 5楼

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8# 8#
 楼主| 发表于 2016-9-22 15:04 | 只看该作者
19. Total stopping distance for vehicles with air brakes is longer than that for vehicles with hydraulic brakes due to _______ distance:
(x) Brake lag
( ) Reaction
( ) Effective braking

19. 液压制动的车辆比空气制动的车辆制动距离短是因为:

20. If you must make an emergency stop, brake so you:
( ) Use the hand brake before the brake pedal
(x) Can steer and your vehicle stay in a straight line
( ) Use the full power of the brakes to lock them

20. 如果你必须做出紧急刹车,你必须:

21. Emergency controlled braking is when you:
(x) Apply the brakes as hard as you can without lock the wheels
( ) Brake as hard as you can release the brakes when the lock and put the brakes back on again when the wheels start rolling
( ) Apply the hand valve for one second then push hard on the brake pedal

21. 控制紧急制动时:

22. When is OK to leave your truck unattended without applying the parking brake or chocking the wheels?
(x) Never
( ) If you will only be away from the truck for a few minutes
( ) If you are conducting a pre-trip inspection

22. 什么时候可以把你的卡车无人陪伴的应用停车制动或堵塞的轮子呢?

23. The use of air brakes on downgrade is only a supplement to the:
( ) Use of the spring brakes
( ) Use of the front brake limiting valve
(x) Braking effect of the engine


24. The proper method of braking when going down long and/or steep grades after selecting the proper gear is to brake until your speed is about ______ miles per hour below your “safe” speed then release your brakes
(x) 5
( ) 10
( ) 15

24. 紧急刹车时的正确方式沿着长和/或陡峭的斜坡在选择恰当的装备是刹车直到你的速度大约是______英里每小时低于你的“安全”的速度,然后释放你的刹车

25. You are on a steep downgrade and have reached your “safe” speed of 40 mph; you would apply the service brakes until your speed drops to ______ mph.
( ) 25
( ) 30
(x) 35


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9# 9#
 楼主| 发表于 2016-9-22 15:06 | 只看该作者
General knowledge study guide(1)
1. Which of these is a good thing to remember about drinking alcohol
( ) The driver can control how fast the body gets rid of alcohol
( ) Small quantities of alcohol improve reaction time
(x) Alcohol first affects judgment and self-control


2. Which of these is not a good rule to follow when caring for an injured person at a collision?
( ) If a qualified person in helping them, stay out of the way unless asked to assist
( ) Move severely injured persons if a danger exists
(x) Keep injured persons cool


3. Which of these statements is true about medicines used to treat the common cold?
( )It can be used while driving if you only take half the regular dosage
( )It should only be used when driving in daytime
(x)It often makes you sleepy and thus should not be used while driving

3. 下列哪个是感冒药会给你带来不良反应

4. The total weight of a powered unit, the trailer, and the cargo is called
( ) Gross vehicle weight
(x)Gross combination weight
( ) Gross axle weight


5. Which piece of emergency equipment should be in your vehicle?
( ) Circuit breakers
( ) First aid kit
(x)Warning devices for parked vehicles


6. Which of these statements is true about causes of vehicle fires?
( ) Under-inflated tires will NOT cause a vehicle fire
( ) Carrying a properly charged fire extinguisher will help prevent fires
(x)Poor trailer ventilation can cause flammable cargo to catch on fire

6. 下列哪个是导致车辆起火的真正原因

7. Brake ”fade” can be:
(x)Caused by the brakes getting very hot
( ) Corrected by letting up on the brakes for 1-2 seconds and then reapplying them
( ) Caused by very cold weather


8. Which of these statements is true about vehicle fires?
( ) It the cargo or box trailer catches on fire, open the doors as soon as you can
( ) If your engine is on fire, open the hood as soon as you can
(x)A burning tire should be cooled with water

8. 下列哪个是对待车辆起火的正确方法

9. Which of these statements is true about brakes?
(x)Brakes absorb more heat to stop heavier vehicles
( ) Brake drums cool very quickly when the vehicle is moving very fast
( ) Brake fade is not caused by heat


10. Which of the following does not provide extra gears on some trucks
( ) Automatic transmissions
( ) Auxiliary transmissions
(x)Multi-speed rear axles


11. You are starting your vehicle in motion from a stop. As you apply power to the drive wheels, they start to spin. You should
(x)Take your foot off the accelerator
( ) Take your foot off the accelerator and apply the brakes
( ) Try a lower gear


12. You wish to turn right from a two-lane, two-way street into another. Your vehicle is so long that you vehicle is so long that you must swing wide to complete the turn. Which of these figures shows how you should make the turn?
( ) Figure A
(x)Figure B
( ) Figure C


13. Which of these statements is true about downshifting?
(x)Downshift before you enter the curve
( ) Let the rpm’s decrease while the clutch is released and the shift lever is in neutral
( ) Downshift just after you enter the curve


14. Which of these is NOT a danger when an automatic transmission is forced into a lower gear at high speed?
( ) Damage to the transmission
( ) Loss of engine braking effect
(x)Loss of steering control


15. Which of these statements is true about backing a heavy vehicle?
(x)You should avoid backing whenever you can
( ) Helpers should be out of sight and use only voice(spoken)signals to communicate with the driver
( )It’s safer to back toward the right side of the vehicle


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  • 糊糊2002 发表于2018-6-15 20:08 来自 | 卡车之家Android客户端
    14. Which of these is NOT a danger when an automatic transmission is forced into a lower gear at high speed?
    ( ) Damage to the transmission
    ( ) Loss of engine braking effect

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