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20# 20#
 楼主| 发表于 2016-9-22 16:04 | 只看该作者
38. Which of these statements is true about cargo types?
(x) Unstable loads (e.g., hanging meat, and livestock) require extra caution on curves
( ) Oversize loads can be transported with special permits when roads are not busy
( ) Tank vehicles used to transport liquids should always be fully loaded

38. 下列哪一项是真实的有关货物种类

39. Where or how cargo blocking used?
( ) Loosely around the cargo
( ) From the upper part of the cargo to the flood
(x) In the front, back, and/or sides of the cargo

39. 在哪里使用或如何货物阻塞

40. Which of these is not part of the engine compartment pre-trip inspection?
( ) Engine oil level
(x) Valve clearance
( ) Checking for worn electrical wiring insulation


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21# 21#
 楼主| 发表于 2016-9-22 16:04 | 只看该作者
41. You are checking your tires your during a pre-trip inspection. Which of these statements is true?
(x) Tires of mismatched size should not be used on the same vehicle
( ) Radial and bias-ply tires can be used together on the same vehicle
( ) A 2/32-inch tread depth is safe for the front tires

41. 下列哪个是你在出行检查轮胎的正确操作

42. What is the most important reason to inspect your truck or bus?
(x) Safety
( ) It’s the law
( ) To avoid being cited


43. You do not have a Hazmat endorsement on your commercial driver license, you may drive a vehicle transporting hazardous materials when:
( ) The GVWR is 26,001 pounds or less
(x) The vehicle does not require placards
( ) A person with a HZAMAT endorsement rides with you

43. 你驾驶的车辆运输危险材料时,不必对您的商业驾驶执照的危险材料签注:

44. Where must you keep shipping papers when transporting hazardous materials?
( ) Under the driver’s seat
(x) In a pouch on the driver’s door or on the seat
( ) In the glove compartment, which must be locked

44. 你必须运输有害物质时,有害标志应该贴在哪?

45. You are driving a heavy vehicle with a manual transmission. You have to stop the vehicle on the shoulder while driving on an uphill grade. Which of these is a good rule to follow when putting the vehicle back in motion?
( ) Keep the clutch slipping while slowly accelerating
(x) Use the parking brake to hold vehicle until the clutch engages
( ) Let the vehicle roll backwards a few feet before engaging the clutch

45. 你所驾驶的重型车辆,手动变速箱。你必须停止的车辆而驾驶上坡级的肩膀。这些这是一个很好的规则时,在运动中的车辆回?

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22# 22#
 楼主| 发表于 2016-9-22 16:05 | 只看该作者
46. To prevent brake “fade”, you should:
(x)Select a gear which will keep your vehicle to a safe speed on steep downgrades
( ) Apply constant hard pressure on the brakes when driving downhill
( ) Coast down hills that are not very steep inclines

46. 为了防止刹车“淡出”,你应该:

47. Which of these statements is true about staying alert to drive?
( ) A half-hour break for coffee will do more keep you alert than a half-hour nap
( ) If you must stop, pull over to the side of the road for a short nap
(x) Sleep is the only think that can overcome fatigue

47. 下列哪个做法是真正保持警觉驾驶?

48. If you have been drinking alcohol, before you drive, you should:
(x)Wait for it to wear off
( ) Drink coffee
( ) Take a cold shower

48. 如果你开车前一直在喝酒,你应该:

49. Which of the following best describes how “sleep debt” can be paid off?
( ) Overcome it with willpower and non-sleep aids
( ) It will go away by itself over a period of time
(x) It can only be paid off by sleeping

49. 以下哪项最能解决“睡眠不足”的办法?

50. After driving for several hours on a long trip, you are feeling sleepy. What is the best thing to do?
(x)Park in a safe place and take a nap
( ) Open your window to breathe fresh air
( ) Stop for a strong cup of coffee

50. 开车几个小时长途旅行后,你感觉昏昏欲睡。这时候最好做什么?

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23# 23#
 楼主| 发表于 2016-9-22 16:11 | 只看该作者
General knowledge study guide(3)
1.Which of these statements is true about drugs?
( ) A driver can use any prescription drug while driving
(x) Use of drugs can lead to collisions and/or arrest
( ) Certain prescription drugs are allowed to reduce fatigue


2.For a first offense of driving a commercial vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs, you will lose your CDL for at least:
( ) 6months
(x) 1 year
( ) 2 year


3.“Implied consent” means when you sign the driver license application form, you:
( ) Understand that you may drink alcohol now before driving
(x) Give your consent to be tested for alcohol in your blood
( ) Give your consent to a vehicle inspection for alcohol

3. 当你签署驾驶申请表时“默认同意”了什么:

4.To determine a person’s blood alcohol concentration, you must know how:
( ) Often the person drinks alcohol(tolerance level)
(x) Much the person weighs
( ) Old the person is


5.You should use your mirrors to check:
( ) If your running lights are working properly
( ) Blind spots only
(x) Where the rear of your vehicle is while you make turns


6.When you must stop on a one-way or divided highway, you should place your reflective triangles at which of the following locations
(x) 10 feel, 100 feet, and 200 feet toward approaching traffic
( ) 10 feel, 100 feet, and 500 feet toward approaching traffic
( ) 10 feel, 50 feet, and 100 feet toward approaching traffic

6. 当你必须在告诉公路停车时,你应该讲警告三角牌放置在:

7. What will help keep an engine cool in hot weather
( ) Driving objects appear larger than they really are
( ) Running the air conditioner
(x) Making sure the engine has the right amount of oil


8.  Convex(curved) mirrors:
( ) Make objects appear larger than they really are
( ) Make objects appear closer than they really are
(x) Slow a wide area than flat mirrors

8. 凸面镜

9. The purpose of retarders is to:
(x) Help slow the vehicle while driving and reduce brake wear
( ) Apply extra braking power to the non-drive axles
( ) Help prevent skids and reduce brake wear


10. The braking effect of the engine is greatest when the engine is____the governed RPMs and the transmission is in the ____gears
( ) Above, lower
( ) Below, higher
(x) Near, lower


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24# 24#
 楼主| 发表于 2016-9-22 16:11 | 只看该作者
11. What is counter steering?
( ) Turning the steering wheel counterclockwise to prevent over steering
( ) Using the steering axle brakes to prevent over steering
(x) Turning the steering wheel back in the other direction after steering to avoid traffic emergency


12. What is the term for a commercial vehicle’s habit of swinging wide on turns?
(x) Off tracking
( ) Wide-rounding
( ) Side winding


13. it’s important to shift gears correctly to keep:
(x) Control of the vehicle
( ) The engine warm
( ) The engine oil flowing


14. Which of these is NOT a danger when an automatic transmission is forced into a lower gear at high speed?
( )Damage to the transmission
( )Loss of engine braking effect
(x)Loss of steering control


15. A helper should be used to help back your vehicle:
( ) When you have a trailer on your vehicle
( ) When you need to back on a curved path
(x) Whenever possible


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25# 25#
 楼主| 发表于 2016-9-22 16:13 | 只看该作者
16. When looking ahead of your vehicle, you should look:
( ) Straight ahead at all times
( ) To the right side of the road
(x) back and forth, near and far


17. If you must cross into the oncoming lane as you make a turn, you should
(x) Watch for oncoming traffic
( ) Back up to allow oncoming traffic to pass
( ) Complete your turn without stopping


18. Which of these is NOT a proper use of vehicle lights?
( ) Turning on your headlights during the day when visibility is reduced
( ) Flashing you brake lights to warm someone behind you that you are slowing dow
(x) Flashing your brake lights to stop someone tailgating

18. 下列哪个是使用车灯错误的方式

19. You should signal continuously while turning because:
(x) You need both hands on the wheel to turn safely
( ) It is illegal to turn off your signal before completing a turn
( ) Most vehicles have self-canceling signals


20. Which of these statements is true about speed distance?
( ) It takes a shorter distance to stop empty trucks than fully loaded ones
( ) Choose a speed that you stop within the distance you can see ahead
(x) It takes twice the distance to stop your vehicle when you double your speed


21. When approaching a traffic light that has been green for a long time, you should
( ) Accelerate so you get through the light
(x) Start slowing down so you will be ready to stop
( ) Continue at your current speed

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26# 26#
 楼主| 发表于 2016-9-22 16:13 | 只看该作者
21. 当接近一个红绿灯且此灯已经亮起很长时间了,你应该

22. Which of these is a good thing to remember when crossing or entering traffic with a heavy vehicle?
(x) Heavy vehicles need larger gaps in traffic than cars
( ) The best way to cross traffic is to pull the vehicle partway across the block one lane while waiting for the other to clear
( ) Heavy vehicle are easy to see; you can count on other drivers to move out of your way or slow down for you


23. What three things add up to the total stopping distance for your truck of bus?
( ) Attention distance, reaction distance, slowing distance
( ) Observation distance, reaction distance, braking distance
(x) Perception distance, reaction distance, braking distance


24. If you cannot see well with your headlights when driving in an area with few streetlights on a clear night, you should
( ) Turn your interior light on
( ) Find another route that is better lit
(x) Use your high beams when legal and keep your interior light off

24. 在天气良好的夜晚,如果路灯不足以让你看清道路,你应该

25. When driving at night, use your low beams when an oncoming vehicle is within
( ) 300 feel
( ) 400 feel
(x) 500 feel

25. 在夜间行车使用近光灯时,迎面而来的车辆应该在多少距离以外?

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27# 27#
 楼主| 发表于 2016-9-22 16:14 | 只看该作者
26. If your brakes get wet while driving on a rainy day, what can happen when you apply the brakes?
( ) Hydroplaning
( ) Excessive brake wear
(x)Trailer jackknife


27. Which of these statements is true about tire pressure
(x) Air pressure in the tires increases with temperature
( ) Air should be let out of hot tires so the tires do not blow out
( ) Tier pressure need not be checked during a trip if it passed pre-trip inspection


28. What happens to tar in road pavement during hot weather
( ) It becomes gummy, making tires stick to the road
( ) It bleeds, making the road surface slippery
(x) Nothing, it is make for hot weather


29. What is the best advice for drivers to follow when a heavy fog occurs?
(x) Pack at a rest area or truck stop until visibility is better
( ) DO not drive too slowly, or other drivers may hit you
( ) Alternate you low and high beams to improve your vision


30. You are driving on a two-lane road. An oncoming driver drifts into your lane and is headed straight for you. Which of these is the best action to take?
( ) Brake hard
(x) Steer to the right
( ) Steer onto the left shoulder


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29# 29#
 楼主| 发表于 2016-9-22 16:16 | 只看该作者
31. The best drivers are those who watch and prepare for hazards. This is called being:
( ) Offensive
(x) Defensive
( ) Objective


32. Which of these is a danger of crossing railroad tracks on dirt roads?
(x) The ground underneath the tracks may not be stable
( ) You could get hung up halfway across the tracks
( ) Your tires could sink into the dirt and not cross the tracks


33. To avoid a crash, you had to drive onto the right shoulder. You are now driving at 40 mph on the shoulder. How should you move back onto the pavement?
(x) If the shoulder is clear, stay on it unit your vehicle comes to a stop. When move back onto the pavement when it is safe
( ) Brake hard to slow he vehicle then, steer sharply onto the pavement when it is safe
( ) Keep moving at your present speed and steer very gently back onto the pavement when it is safe


34. You are driving on a straight, level highway at 50 mph with no vehicles in front of you. Suddenly, a tire blows out on your vehicle. What should you do first?
(x) Stay off the brake until the vehicle has slowed down
( ) Begin lightly braking
( ) Begin emergency braking


35. If you need to leave the road in a traffic emergency, you should
( ) Try to get all wheels off the pavement
(x) Avoid braking until your speed has dropped to about 20 mph
( ) Avoid driving on the shoulder of the road

35. 如果你需要紧急离开道路,你应该

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